Our tree this year! The big debate this year was real or artifcial tree?! We ended up getting a real tree, as we normally do, but were unsure of how the girls would do with it. But we put it on the outside of their "cage" in the living room so they can't reach it. It has worked out well so far and I love it! The girls like all of the Christmas lights around the house. I am soo excited about Christmas, it's my favorite time of year!!!
This Thanksgiving was much different than the last. We had babies running everywhere in my Granny's little house. Last year they just sat in their seats and slept. We were also still lugging around Annie Kate and Laila's heart monitors last year. Wow, what a difference a year makes!
So the other day Stella woke up from her nap way earlier than the other girls. I think she's found out how to get one on one Mommy time. Anyway, I let her roam the house because the girls are never able to do that. I thought it would be interesting to follow her with the camera to see where she would go. She had fun exploring the "forbidden places" in the house! She played in the drawers in the kitchen, pulled the safety latch off the cabinet door, went to Brother's room, climbed the stairs etc.
By the way, it was one of those days where we stay in our PJ's all day! And her hair is beginning to hang in her eyes but she HATES hair bows, as you can see she throws them in the floor. I always thought if I ever had a little girl I was gonna keep cute bows in her hair and fix it so cute everyday. Yeah right, that's much harder to do when you have 3 of them pulling bows out. I have to pick my battles and that's just not one of them!
Wow! It has gotten so crazy around here. They are all walking pretty well now and climbing on everything which means more falls, bumps, bruises, lots of crying, etc. Despite all of the craziness we are having so much fun. I love to just sit and watch them. They are amazing and I love them like crazy! *You too Jordan...you're not too old for Momma's hugs and kissies*
Stella and Annie Kate have learned how to climb up to the window and sit/stand there! They are everywhere now and not afraid of anything. I thought I had them contained with the gates but every now and then I find them roaming the house. They keep plotting escape routes. They're already ganging up on me! It is pure craziness around here.
Just a quick little post to let you all know, finally Annie Kate has joined the gang. We usually try to stand her up each day and get her to walk with no luck. But we stood her up and she just took off! It was a little wobbly and just a few steps but it's official...all my babies are walking : ..(
I know I promised a video but our camcorder is dead and I cannot find the darn charger! I could use my cell phone but I'm still new at all this computer stuff. So, I will get a video as soon as I can :)
We had a "photo session" in the backyard today so I could get some good pics of the the kids. (and the dresses I made of course!) I thought they turned out pretty good.