So I'm always saying to myself that I need to write down all of the comments I get when we take the girls in public. Some of them are a little annoying and others leave me puzzled.
Do I watch Jon and Kate?2)
Are they twins? I actually told a lady that asked this they were triplets and she wanted to argue with me that they don't look alike so they could'nt be!?! Okay lady I don't think it's possible for me to have given birth to childern so close in age...just not possible. By the way she didn't think Stella belonged to the group, sorry Stinky.
Oh my goodness Quadruplets! Yes someone really said this at WalMart the other day. Me with a confused look on my face and counting how many children I have in the buggy, said umm Triplets??
Are they natural? They all wanna know if we used pills, fertility treatments etc. I really wanna say "Why yes they are, they should go down after I stop breastfeeding. Oh you mean the babies. My bad!" *Got this from another triplet mommy, thought it was hilarious.* But this is the #1 question that annoys me so badly.
You have your hands full! Umm, yes I know that already.
God bless you! Yes he does everyday. I actually had a mom of twin girls at the Haywood Mall last weekend shout this out as we were strolling by.
My husband would have left me. I overheard a lady at the mall tell her freind that after she had just came over and asked all of the above questions. She might want to reevaluate her relationship with her husband if that's the case.
I would shoot myself. Really now?! This one was a bold statement and I wish I remember where I was when I heard it. But I have heard it and that's scary.
Anyhow, most people are polite and just say, aww how cute, but there are a few that just don't care what they say. Despite the comments it can be fun to take them out, I should just enjoy the attention but sometimes you just want to go about your business like normal folk. :)~