Time is flying by. It's crazy how many things they learn to do between the ages of 9 months and a year. The girls are crawling everywhere, Stella can pull up to a standing position and the "big" girls can pull up on their knees. They are so fun to just sit and watch. Stella will not be still at anytime, when we go to a restaurant she will climb out of the high chair even when we strap her in tightly! Laila and Annie Kate are pretty good girls and sit there. They all can say "dada", and I have heard Laila say "mama" once. It made me feel really good even though she has no idea who "mama" is! Anyway, we are trying to enjoy these times with them while they are itty bitty because I know they grow up so fast!
Hey you guys. This blog was such a good idea. The girls are just precious. Laila looks a whole lot like Jessica's baby (Brody). I have got to show you a picture. You will be amazed. I love all of you and am looking forward to seeing you all again. Hope Jordan is enjoying his summer. Seems like I miss seeing him every visit. I will just have to visit more! Love Mom