When Max was born he had to have assistance from oxygen almost immediately. Josh was able to hold him shortly before they took him to NICU. I got to see him as well.

Jordan was able to visit with Max!

Being wheeled away. He's in the little blue box.

Max's helicopter ride, just 24 hours after being born, to MUSC in Charleston.

As of today, Max is still in Charleston. He has been diagnosed with DiGeorge Syndrome. He has several problems including heart, trouble with swallowing, and severe acid reflux. He will have heart surgery around 6-8 months old. Right now he's staying there to gain weight for acid reflux surgery so he can have his G-Tube surgery. It has been an adventure we never knew was coming. Josh and I are trying to stay strong through everything.
Thank you to our family and friends for your support and help with the girls and Jordan! We love you all!!