But most of all it was nice to see and meet the other triplets that were born there. They have had FOUR sets of triplets born there within the past 3 years! I knew of three sets but was surprised to see another set when we arrived. And oddly enough each set of triplets were a different combination of genders...GGG, BBB, BBG, and GGB! It was lots of fun. Can't wait til the next one!!

Three of the four sets of triplets. Our girls. The Lippens and The News.

Dr. Chacko John...Neonatologist

Dr. Terry Marshall...Neonatologist

The girls. Hanging out by the food table!
Wow! triplets! You go girl! We just wanted to drop by a note to some of our fans to let you know that we have a new free blog animation site that we would LOVE for you to check out! Blogamation.com
The Cutest Blog On The Block Team!