Well, we did have plans tonight. We went to the Chamber of Commerce meeting/dinner at Lander, and we got home earlier than expected. So here we are blogging. It feels so weird to have NO children in the house. I'm really looking forward to sleeping late but most likely I will wake up early anyway. Guess I can take this opportunity to catch up on any Garvin household news. (Not that it's anything exciting)
Jordan will be starting back up with Toros soccer in February. Fun. But a lot of work. Oh and by the way...Josh is officially the Toros president! Yay for him!
The girlies are still crazier than ever. Today I was in the laundry room, had only been in there like 5 seconds, and heard the loudest "thump" ever. So I ran back to the living room and Stella had climbed over the baby gate and fallen onto the hardwood floor. I was so scared for her but mad at her at the same time. I saw her trying to climb out earlier and told her "No, No". Which I'm positive they know what that means. So she definitely knew not to do that. I checked her for bumps or bruises and didn't see any new ones, because they get hurt all the time, but I didn't find any.
Here she is our little Bam Bam.

Good Night for now!
Stella is a tough little rascal. You know what they say about little people. "They wear little clothes". No, she is just precious. Happy Birthday Josh!!